Saturday, May 31, 2008

What?s Your Generator?s Fuel?

Generators run on different kinds of fuels. The type of generator you choose should depend on the availability of its fuel, the efficiency of its fuel and the residue the fuel leaves in your generator. Read on to find the different types of fuel that generators run on and know the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Natural Gas
Natural gas is the most commonly used generator fuel. The use of natural gas rids you of the necessity of refueling your generator system time and time again. You also don?t need to worry about storing your fuel since just connecting your generator system through your home?s gas line could give you ample natural gas. Therefore, if you live in an area where natural gas is readily available, this is the best fuel option for your generator. The advantages to using natural gas as fuel for your generator include low maintenance costs, less noise and less environmental waste.

Propane Gas
Similar to natural gas is propane gas. Like natural gas, propane gas gives off less pollution than diesel or gasoline fuel. A generator that uses propane gas for fuel also requires less maintenance in the long run. Thus, you only need to consider the availability of propane before choosing to buy a propane gas powered generator. If it is readily available in your area and you have a large storage tank, this type of fuel could actually work for you. Your only problem with propane gas is it price and efficiency. Propane gas is quite expensive and has low fuel economy.

If you want the cheapest fuel for your generator then you should buy a generator that runs on gasoline. Gasoline produces the most power at the least volume of consumption. Moreover, you also save money if you buy a gasoline-powered generator since these types are cheaper than either propane or natural gas powered generators. You also have a lot of choices since most companies manufacture different models and variants of gasoline-powered generators. They may vary from engine types to the type of cooling system used. Gasoline generators also come with different safety features that monitor oil level and temperature. Thus, if your want to get the most versatile generator available, you should get a gasoline generator.

However you must be aware of the disadvantages of getting a gasoline-powered generator. Gasoline leaves more residue than either natural gas or propane gas. Thus, gasoline generators are high-maintenance machines that need to be cleaned and checked periodically. Gasoline also has a very low shelf life. After around six months in storage, your gasoline fuel will become unusable unless you use some fuel stabilizers. Gasoline also becomes easily frozen and sluggish after exposure to low temperatures. Frozen gasoline clogs your generator system and shuts your generator down. Thus, in low temperature climates, you need to add antifreeze to your fuel; this means additional maintenance costs. Gasoline is also very flammable which makes it very dangerous to store so you must not refuel your generator if it is too hot for doing so can cause massive fires.

Diesel is much more efficient than gas and requires less maintenance due to the lack of ignition systems, carburetors and spark plugs. The exhaust is cleaner and they generally will run longer with fewer problems. Unfortunately, smaller diesel engines appropriate for home use tend to be expensive. But for dependable low maintenance generators using a portable fuel, diesel has the most advantages.

Mark Sheppler is a handyman and home improvement writer. Always working with the right tools he is rarely far away from a portable power generator.


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Friday, May 30, 2008

Using Your Portable Generator Safely

Your portable generator is your ally during your times of need. It provides you with emergency power during unexpected power failures and catastrophes. At the same time, a portable generator comes in handy when you?re in places that are away from the main power grid. However, a portable generator can cause its own catastrophe if you are not careful.

When using your power generator you should always think of safety first. Like any other equipment, a portable generator can cause fatal accidents. There are a number of things that you should watch for when using a portable generator. Once you are familiar with these you should be able to work with generators quite safely.

Play with fire?

Always remember that generators produce electricity. Like fire, electricity is both harmful and deadly if we don?t take proper precautions. The danger of electrocution and electric short-caused fires is compounded when you use portable generators. Unlike the electricity provided to our homes by major electrical companies, the power provided by a generator may not pass through emergency systems like fuses, power relays and circuit breakers. So in the event of shorts and electrocution, the generator may not automatically cut the power.

To steer clear of hazards like these, always check the wirings and connections of your generator. Be sure that no wires are exposed and improperly knotted. Also keep your generator away from moisture at all times.

?you get burnt.

Along with electricity, heat is also produced when your generator is running. Your portable generator is a high-risk fire hazard. Always be sure to place your fuel containers at a safe distance from your generator. Take note, too, of your generator?s temperature. Do not refuel your generator when it?s running and when it?s extremely hot for you may inadvertently cause fire. It is even better to choose a portable generator that has a temperature monitor and an efficient cooling system.

Silent killer

Carbon monoxide is produced as exhaust material when your generator is running. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is both odorless and colorless. To avoid CO poisoning always see to it that your portable generator is situated in a well-ventilated area. Keep it away from windows and doors that open to your sleeping quarters. When somebody gets exposed to CO, you should move him/her to an open area as fast as possible. Seek medical help right away if his/her condition remains unstable.

Noise Pollution

The noise some generators produce is not just annoying; it?s also bad for your well-being. You must choose a portable generator that works efficiently, provides you stable power, and makes the least noise while doing so. Quiet generators are now available in the market if you are looking for a replacement for your old noisy generator. But if you still want to make use of your old generator, be sure to protect yourself from noise pollution. Use an earplug and put your generator in a stable place to minimize vibrations.

If you do all of the above and practice all necessary precautions, then you minimize the risks associated with using a portable generator.

Mark Sheppler is a handyman and home improvement writer. Always working with the right tools he is rarely far away from a portable power generator.


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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Buying Colloidal Silver Products And Generators

Not all brands of Colloidal Silver are equal or of the same quality. Select a brand which is produced by the electro-colloidal, non-chemical method.

? Look at the ingredients to see it contains only silver and de-mineralized or distilled water. If the ingredients include a stabilizer or any other trace elements, it might be a good idea to research this product well.

? If it is suggested that the Colloidal Silver be refrigerated, this is an indication of another element present that could spoil. Colloidal Silver needs no refrigeration and should always be protected from freezing.

? The ideal color of Colloidal Silver should be a golden yellow, unless it is produced in concentrated form to be diluted, in which case it may be a dense looking greenish gray with an orange cast in the light. (Concentrated Colloidal Silver should return to the clear, golden yellow after dilution) A darker color could indicate larger particles of silver, or that the water used contains minerals... so check the product out.

? Colloidal Silver should be packaged in amber or cobalt blue glass, and the product should be stored in a cool dark place.

? Question the product if the directions state: 'shake well before using'. Colloidal Silver should not be shaken or stirred.

Colloidal Silver is sold and packaged in a variety of ways. There are sprays and misters; nasal sprayers and droppers; salves and compress solutions.

Colloidal Silver- Particle Surface Area: Other factors to consider when researching a Colloidal Silver product are: Particle Size and Particle Surface Area, if the information is available. Colloidal Silver products which are actually compounds do not accurately reflect the amount of Silver in the product. Also, it is the surface area of the Silver that must be exposed to the bacteria or microbe, and proteins or salts attached to the Silver particle actually block the Silver from it?s environment.

So, Particle size is extremely important, but for a reason you may not expect. When it comes to Colloidal Silver, the smaller the particle the better.

Typically, manufacturers of Colloidal Silver list the Silver concentration in ppm's- parts per million. This measurment actually refers to weight; the weight of 1 part silver to a million parts water. If the particles are large, the surface area is actually smaller than if that particle were broken down to smaller particles. Picture a Rubik's Cube. In one piece it has a definite surface area; but take it apart and measure the surface area of the smaller parts; break those down again and so on... and the surface area is multiplied exponentially.

Colloidal Silver Production at Home: There is good reason to purchase a generator and produce your own Colloidal Silver at home. You can control the quality and the price. Colloidal Silver can be made at home for the cost of distilled water and your time. These days Colloidal Silver Generators practically run themselves once they are turned on and will turn themslves off, so your time may not be a factor. There are other generators which may require constant attendance to change the voltage polarity every couple minutes when producing concentrated Colloidal Silver to be diluted into large volumes.

If you have decided you are going to produce your own Colloidal Silver at home, there are some things to consider. If you want to produce good Colloidal Silver, a suggestion is to choose a system that uses silver rods and distilled water as the only ingredients.

You will want to use high quality distilled water in producing the Colloidal Silver. Not tap water, well water, mineral water, purified water or de-ionized water. These waters all have too many chemicals and minerals in them and de-ionized water is not sufficiently conductive. The water is very important if you want control over your production. Choosing your brand of distilled water can sometimes be a gamble. A good rule of thumb: don?t buy the cheapest. You may also have to experiment with brands of distilled water. If your Colloidal Silver turns grey or brownish, the distilled water has too many minerals remaining and will not do. If this happens, you should start over with your production.

If the generator manufacturer suggests adding salt during the process to increase electrical conductivity and lessen production time, be warned that you will be producing a silver compound and not pure Colloidal Silver. Silver Chloride will always form in the presence of any salt. Also, by speeding up the production time with salt, you risk having silver particles that are too large to remain suspended in the water for very long and the silver particles will settle to the bottom of the container. It also takes longer for compounds to pass through the body.

As a sidenote? a typical suggested dose for Colloidal Silver is a teaspoon a day. This topic will not be dealt with here, because that is up to the individual. But start out with a low dose to keep the body from detoxing too quickly. Once the Silver goes to work and the body starts dumping the toxins into the bloodstream to be eliminated, you might actually begin to feel under the weather if you ingest larger quantities. If you are sick at the time of starting to take Colloidal Silver, you still want to keep your consumption rate reasonable.

In Closing: Everything we need was given to us from the beginning. Silver was given to us for a reason, and probably not just for fancy dishes and jewelry. There is an abundance of information available on the topic of Colloidal Silver, both positive and negative. Decipher the information carefully and keep in mind, there are no documented cases of a human being having negative consequences from true Colloidal Silver that has been produced with good water and no additives, stabilizers, salts, or proteins. But don?t stop your research here with this writing. Read more; and then some more, and decide for yourself. I did.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Independent Lead Generator

What is a Lead Generator?

As a lead generator, you must become powerful yet simple in your approach. A lead generator provides a service to another (company or individual) of high quality, pre-qualified sales leads (other individuals who are interested in the service or product, of the company or individual you work for).

In most cases, you may have to find these leads on your own. Thus, the company/individual you work for is not providing a list for you.

Depending on the product/service you have many ways of generating your own interested prospects (someone in view of a source of profit). These can be produced free and low cost, with self advertising.

In another common scenario, the company/individual may very well supply you with their own leads of possible interest. Your job (as it would be the same, when you generate your own interest) as a Lead Generator will be to qualify this prospects interest level and need of service/product.

You have something they need! This is the bottom line of the qualification process. To assess their need and help them view your service/product as an invaluable one. At the point of successful qualification you will then pass this on to the company/individual, you work for so that they may have a chance to close this as a final or ongoing (residual income for both you and the company/individual you work for?ongoing income most likely on a monthly basis) sale.

You will earn a percent of the sale because you provided this company/individual with that qualified and high quality lead. Some, but very rare companies will pay you per hour.

There are many opportunities to become a lead generator in today's business world. Yet, why not venture out on your own? Offer your own individual service. Get paid and learn how to produce your own interest as well!

Lisa Alexander Professional Home Business Coach

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Free Viral Traffic Generator

Make Money Using Free Viral Traffic Program

About a month ago I was surfing through all the get rich quick junk I find sent to me in my emails. As usual most of the stuff was the same ol'same ol'- send off money for some fantastic new ebook that ABSOLUTELY will make you rich or some new program that POSITIVELY GUARANTEES overnight wealth without you so much as lifting a finger! We all know how these things turn out - the only good thing about ebooks is that they don't need to be dusted like my hardcover collections. You know you have too many ebooks when you are reading about a new super duper ebook and it dawns on you that maybe you bought the dam thing last year - I hate to admit it but as I was reading a new ebook that I had just bought and downloaded I suddenly realized that I had bought it once before - that really sucks! I am an internet marketers' dream come true!

So anyway...

I was going to say that in the midst of all the crap floating around in my emails I came across a gimmick that I hadn't seen before or at least I couldn't remember seeing it before. I have long since forgotten who sent it to me but that doesn't matter anyhow. The jist of it was a way to get up to one million visitors to your website WITHOUT spending a dime... Yea Sure! Since I am a confessed get rich junkie I just had to follow the link to see what this scam was all about. I buy tons of crap on the net simply because I can't resist finding out what the latest twist is, not because I actually think any of the crapola will actually make me rich.

So what was the twist?

Well, the webpage loaded and I was pleasantly surprised to see a well designed and professional looking site - not the usual garish looking one page sales letter we are all familiar with. A second surprise was the fact that it had a Google page rank of 4 - for the uninitiated this means a couple of things; the site has been around a while and it has a lot of backlinks which means that it is not a fly by night. Good stuff to know but I still smelled a scam and quickly zipped to the bottom of the page, without reading anything, in order to see how much money this "Free" program was going to cost me. Surprise number 3 - NADA, ZIP, no mention of cash at all - holy cow could this be real?

Being a cynic I have got things for free before and got what I paid for - more used up storage space on the hard drive and zero dineros in the bank account. A genuine freebie is always worth a read though, for the entertainment value if nothing else, so I read the 'Free Viral Traffic' spiel. I can't say I did a handstand when I finished but it was an interesting twist on the whole viral/MLM/Pyramid scheme and unlike the usual forms of these projects this one really was free so even if it didn't work at least it would not cost a cent.

So what is it?

Basically it's the old pyramid scheme but instead of you sending money up the chain you have to view 6 websites for about 30 seconds a piece. After viewing each site you are given a code and when you have the six codes you use them to join up and get your own page that allows you to put your ad or website in the first position. The idea is simple enough, over time your ad will get viewed by as much as a million people before dropping off the list. So what? Well most people view the sites and just get the code and move on to the next one - but a small percentage of people will see a site that does interest them and check the site out as well as get the code. If just one percent of the people check out your site you are looking at 10,000 visitors to your site. 10,000 potential buyers for free is nothing to sneeze at. I, of course just had to try this and quite frankly, thought I'd be lucky to get a hundred visitors. That was a month ago... so the results are in.

What happened?

To my amazement the site I used went from about 50 hits a day to an average of about 600 - no sh*t. Now being a complete loser I wasn't selling anything on the site, just giving away free ebooks (to build up a mailing list that I can use one day when I figure out someway to take peoples' money) but I did convert a lot of those visitors (10 - 15 a day)and now I have a fairly good size list. I have re-enrolled on the site with one of my sites that does sell something and after one week I have made 6 sales (yea, I know - I'm not getting rich) but what the heck, I made a little money from something that hasn't cost me one thin dime and I have a decent email list to boot.

So how do you get others to join?

This is always the problem when it comes to these schemes but since there is no money changing hands it is a lot easier finding people to join up. When you join the program you are given a whole bunch of promo tools and ideas. My method simply involved sending a letter to a small list of people I already had. (less than 50)I'm not sure how the folks in my group went about promoting the program but they must have found a way and quickly as it didn't take long for my hits to increase (about a week after I sent out the letter). If you have a website write a little blurb or you're welcome to steal this blurb and post it on your site with a link to your Viral Traffic page.

If you're interested you can join at the link below and it is free so you have nothing to lose.

Note: When I joined I really expected nothing as far as traffic increase - I joined simply because the Viral site is a Google page rank 4 and I wanted the backlink. This is a nice bonus because you will get the backlink as soon as you put your site on the Viral Traffic page.

Later folks and Good Luck,

Join FreeViral Traffic Generator

The author is a spectacular failure at making money on the internet and shares his exploits on his blog in order to save you the disappointment of not making money either. His articles can be found at; Make Money for Beginners

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Article Writing as a Traffic Generator

Article writing can be a scary prospect if you are new to internet marketing and maybe never thought of yourself much as being someone who could write an article and have it published. Something else that many people allow themselves to be put off by is that there are so many methods of promoting products, these days, that it may seem like the most time consuming and yet least likely to be noticed. This perception is false, don?t allow yourself to be misled by it.

For example, think of a more conventional advertising method, like a magazine. Maybe even pick up a magazine rather than just thinking about it, scan its pages and before long you?ll find an article of some kind that highlights a certain product or problem that needs a product to resolve it, and lo and behold, right nearby you?ll also find an advert for the product that will meet your needs in relation to the article you just read!

Just think of how TV advertising is set up to tell a short story about how the product being advertised can benefit the people using it. This again is the equivalent of article writing for the internet. As you can see there are several reasons why article writing is an essential part of your internet marketing:

- A well written article will highlight your business. If your business is new, this can be a great way to introduce yourself to potential customers. An article can tell people what they need to know about you in order to build a rapport with them, what you do, why and how you do it. It will also inform people about your products.

- Article writing, although time consuming, is cheap. Unlike the use of more conventional advertising methods, article writing does not require spending a lot of money to promote your site or product. In fact, if you do have writing skills article writing is free. You can get your article published on websites and not be charged a single cent despite the fact that you will have a one way link back to your site and your product within that article or the resource box that accompanies it.

- A well-written article can generate traffic to your site. Unlike when using banners and classified ads, if people choose to visit your site after reading your article you know that they actually liked what they read and they are already warmed up to your product before they reach the sales page. Articles create a way for people to find your site without having to know your domain name or see your site within the first 10 listed on a search engines results page.

- An article really can prompt a sale, if it was written to explain how your product can solve a problem or meet a need. Sometimes it?s just not enough to put a picture of your product along with a few lines of copy that describe it. This won?t always be enough to get people to visit your sales page.

The best way to use articles to get people to visit your site include:

- Write about niche topics. There are a whole lot of general topic articles already out there on the internet. This leaves a high possibility that your reader might have encountered these before, if your article covers the same points, they may not stay long to read it through and more importantly, may not be interested enough to click through on the links to your site. Your article should have a specific target.

- A good way to grab peoples interest is through story telling, try to talk about your product or service in relation to an anecdote or an incident that really happened to you or to someone you know, (if you are going to do this, be sure to observe the necessary anonymity rules to respect the individuals? privacy). This type of approach will give more credibility to your article and also will give it more emotional impact.

- Use appropriate tone and language when writing, consider your main target group and then ?talk? to them, through your article, the way you would if you were face-to-face with them. Use the language associated with this group. For example, if you?re targeting highly technical individuals, don?t be afraid to talk in technical terms which may be unique in your field of study. Alternatively, if you?re a technical person targeting laymen, make sure you don?t use the technical terms, explain things clearly and simply so as not to bore people because they don?t understand the terminology.

- Submit your articles to the well known. reliable ezine sites where you know that the traffic is heavy. Ezines split their submitted articles into categories and they like you to submit to the one which best suits the nature of your article. Most ezine sites are free, they do not pay you for your writing, neither do they charge you to publish your article and relevant links. Once your article is published and given exposure to the regular clients of that site, if your article is of interest, they become almost like a captive market.

- Ensure that your articles are useful. Remember that people browse the internet for information and that?s the goal of your article, to provide them with good, reliable information. Some of the most successful articles are the easy to follow how-to ones or those that provide easy to follow, yet detailed guides to a particular hobby or resource. If your article is easy to read and understand, people are more likely to read it through (and then be interested enough to click on your links to find out more.

- Sometimes it is a good idea to offer something for free and mention this in your article. Your article should always promote your website?s benefits but not in a sales letter like way. You want to subtly inform people what they?ll get through your website that they won?t get anywhere else. Think about what makes your web-site different so that it stands out from all the rest and then promote that factor.

- As well as including a link to your website, you can encourage readers to email you with their comments and suggestions, if you have written an interesting and stimulating article, people are likely to contact you.

In summary then, I hope to have shown that article writing is an important weapon to add to your internet marketing arsenal. It? cheap, relatively easy to do and it can generate already warm lead traffic to your website. Don?t ignore this.

The author, Debbie is an ex psych. nurse now into internet marketing, as well as various health & lifestyle issues. Web-sites include:
Ace Wealth Builder
A-Z Health Club
Ace 4 Life Info

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Honda Generator EX1000 Reviewed, Truly Small But Terribly Dependable

Honda generator EX1000 is noted for its compact size and great reliability. This handy machine can easily be transported from place to place; so wherever you have to go, it will make the transfer stress-free.

Honda generator EX1000 produces 1000 watts of power supply output. It also has a fuel meter, as well as a frequency meter. This model also comes with a four-stoke side valve for an unequalled torque and fuel effectiveness. It is designed with top quality circuit breakers and a switch for engine and fuel.

It is guaranteed by the United States Department of Agriculture to contain qualified spark arrestors to prevent incidents of fires. Also, it is manufactured with a fully-enclosed built to run without generating too much noise. In addition, because it is lightweight, it can be carried by one hand to facilitate convenient carrying.

Honda has made a name in the line of generators. Its products market in the area of commercial to household consumers. Generally, generators from this maker produce between 1,000 to 10,000 watts of power that can ideally be consumed for construction, recreation, rental and emergency use. Surely, consumers are ensured of reliable good turns with Honda.

At the present time, almost everything depends on electric power. And for that, we have too much to lose if we don?t expect things to fail ? especially electricity. This is why generators are here. It is a shrewd move if you get your unit now. You don?t have to be troubled of the stresses brought about by power interruptions and outage. Just make sure you get your generator from Honda.

Other reliable Honda generators include the 10kw portable Honda generator and the Honda em4000 generator. Also should you buy a used Honda eu2000i for sale or a new one.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Medical Billing - Report Generator 101

In our last installment of medical billing, we talked about the importance of being able to generate reports. In this article, we're going to give you a basic introductory course in using most DME report generator programs. There are some things that are basic to each even if the interface is a little different between them.

One of the keys of the DME report generator is the link fields. In order to understand how these work, you first need to understand how the architecture of the DME system is put together.

Each part of the DME medical billing system is made up of databases. There are databases for every piece of information in the system itself, including patient records, inventory records, doctors files, facility records and so on. Each record has a number of fields in the record itself.

The function of the report generator is to be able to pull up any field from any of those records in order to show it as a data item on a report. The question is, how is this accomplished? How does the report generator know how to find not just the database, but the specific record in the database and the specific file within the record?

This is done by indexing. Each database has a main index number in the system. For example, the patient database may be called db(001). The 001 in the parenthesis is the database number in the system. The inventory database may be db(002), the doctor database db(003) and so on.

Now, within each database, there will be a number of records. Let's say the patient database has 100 records. So if you wanted to reference the 65th record of the patient database, you might have a shorthand like db(001,00065), if they allow up to 99,999 patient records.

Continuing this, let's say each patient record has 100 fields in that record and you wanted to access the patient first name, which is the second record. Usually the first record is the patient ID number. In this case you would want to reference db(001,00065,002).

Obviously, a user of the system isn't going to be able to recognize what db(001,00065,002) means. It will be totally Greek to them. So what the report generator does is translate each of those numbers into plain English.

So, if the user wants to find patient record 65 and the second field within that record in order to have the patient's first name print on the report, in the case of printing patient labels, what the software will do is the following.

The first step is to display the available databases the user can choose from in some type of drop down menu. These will usually be listed in numerical database order and not alphabetical order. The next step, after the user chooses the database, is to choose which field they want printed. Again, a list of fields will be displayed in English and the user will choose which field he or she wants.

As to finding a specific patient, there are several ways to do this. Most report generators will allow a print all patients option along with a lookup function to do a database search by field number, such as patient ID or last name.

This is all very basic to how a report generator works for medical billing. In future installments, we'll dive deeper into the report generator functions.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Medical Billing

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Use a Coleman 5000w Generator during Power Outages

This is probably what you?ve been looking for, the portable Coleman 5000w generator that is perfect for home or light construction, equipped with an over head valve engine that provides improved fuel efficiency, longer life easier maintenance, and less noise.

The Coleman 5000w generator is great for backup power at home or on the job site. It has a lot of features including the five gallon tank that provides up to a five hour run time at 50 percent load with low oil shutdown that protects the engine from damage and pneumatic wheels with solid axle for greater mobility. Two 120 volt outlets, one 120/240 volt twist lock outlet, and circuit breaker protection. A smart sensor prevents the engine from starting without adequate oil.

It also provides an easy start engine with run/stop switch for added convenience to the user. There is also one tubular steel frame surround unit that protects it from damages. And it also has a wheel and handle kit for maximum portability.

The power of Coleman 5000 watt generator is enough to run most critical appliances in your house. This is not a heavy use generator nor is it extremely economical on gas; it is great for a couple of hours of use, but it does provide the convenience of having electricity on power outages.

It will enable you to have satisfaction in your daily life and to ensure that you will not be left in the dark when power outages happen in your area. And for you not to be left hanging with what is necessary to have power, let the Coleman 5000 watt light your life.

Another Coleman generator that is popular is the Coleman Powermate premium plus 5000 generator, plus learn about the benefits of Coleman portable emergency generators.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Honda Generator EB3800, For an Unfailing Power Stream

Honda generator EB3800 is one of Honda?s industrial generator models that is designed for construction use and is also ideal as a backup power supply at home.

The EB3800 model has a 4-stoke engine that yields unparalleled fuel efficiency. It operates incredibly quiet and practically smoke-free. There will be no hassle in mixing oil and gas, for this machine runs in regular gasoline. Honda generator EB3800 also has a hanger kit, which is used for lifting the unit with cranes to facilitate easier transport. Moreover, it has a two-wheel kit, which also permits trouble-free transport of the machine for commercial or home use. It is also equipped with an automatic voltage regulator that ensures a reliable and steady flow of power.

Other features of this brand of generator include electric ignition, circuit breakers, fuel meter, and automatic idle mode. In addition, it comes with an enduring one piece, welded frame along shatterproof standing legs. Also, it has a 120/240V switch for the preferred voltage output.

Honda is one of the most renowned makers of generators, having a complete line of models for consumer to commercial needs. Honda generators are also marked among the worlds quietest. Those designed for residential use yields an average of 64-68 decibels, and those specially designed to be noise-free only crop noise levels as low as 49 decibels, nearly just as the level of noise in private offices.

In a world where all is uncertain, it is wise to get your own generator now. Nothing is more annoying than an interrupted power supply, may it be at home or at office. And to be sure it?s a good deal, get one from Honda.

There are many new honda portable generators available, two are the Honda eb3000 portable generator and the 1000w Honda portable generator.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

This Generator Will Have Your Sound System Green With Envy

If you're considering a generator for an emergency power supply, and for some peace of mind, there are many things you need to consider, and this article will give you a few suggestions. You can perform a wide variety of tasks with various types of generators and Honda offers many different models including the honda 2000i and the honda quite eu 2000. There are many manufacturers that offer or some wonderful machines that can give you high-quality power that is reliable and convenient for recreation, boating, camping, home standby, rental, and construction needs. The honda 2000i, for one, is well known for its quiet operation, and if you're looking for a good camping application, the honda quite eu 2000 is a good choice. If you're looking for construction applications or home standby, you'll be satisfied with the industrial or deluxe series model. Electric start is preferable and convenient, but the manual, recoil starter is adequate and available on many economy models. For ease of mobility, many models come standard with wheels that allow you to move the generator from storage to the work site, but be sure to always consider your options before selecting the model for the job you are considering.

Generators produce a voltage very similar to that available in your home, which is AC. Your electric utility is going to produce sufficient power for all of your electrical devices, but the generator will be limited in power output being directly relational to the engine horsepower. The power generated is rated in watts and is generally rated at 90% of maximum power as certain components lose their efficiency from use once they are heated. The generator that is well known for its wattage power is the yamaha ef3000iseb. When determining your wattage requirements, you should estimate which devices need to be powered simultaneously and what the starting wattage requirement is for each device. Many manufacturers have wattage calculators online you can use to assist you. Using simple power management techniques, your small generator can provide adequate power for recreational or home applications. Coleman is another well-known manufacturer and has a good reputation for coleman 10hp generator parts, as well. If you currently own a generator, visiting an online manufacturer is a great way to get parts that you might need.

When operating your generator, it should not be run at maximum power output for more than 30 minutes. As an example, a 2500-watt generator will produce a maximum of 2500 watts of power. When operating this unit at full power, it can light up 25 100-watt light bulbs at the same time. With the 90% of maximum power in mind, this generator should have a rated wattage of no more than 2300 watts, and should only be used to power a maximum of 23 100-watt light bulbs. Some household appliances such as your furnace or refrigerator have internal fans that come on intermittently and extra wattage power is needed to start the fan. You can refer to this type of load as a reactive load, as it contains an electric motor. Some examples of reactive type loads are furnace fans, well pumps, air conditioners, air compressors, bench grinders, power tools, refrigerators and freezers.

A revolutionary inverter model that will give you the extra power you need for that power tool or air conditioner is the yamaha ef3000iseb. Many generators also have acoustically designed sound-management systems to minimize noise interference and vibration. Many units have full enclosures made of sound-absorbing material that is placed in key locations inside the enclosure. This is used in conjunction with technologically-designed mufflers and a molded fan that is hard to beat when it comes to noise reduction. Remember to visit online forums and chat with other experienced owners to learn more about the ins and outs of generator ownership first. You'll be glad you did!

Terry Price is a successful publisher and author on the topic of generators at: There's more to like than ever before with Yamaha generators: Did you get value from this article?

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Some Generators Make Good Neighbors

There are generally two main components that make up generators. One part is the motor that burns fuel, which usually consists of natural gas, diesel, propane or gasoline, and the generator head is the second part that is essential. It is the generator head that turns the power into electricity. Whether it is a 5kw generator or a 10kw generator, the motor and the power generator comprise the standard unit. The electricity generated is measured in terms of voltage and watts. Voltage is a measure of the pressure of the current and wattage is more like the measure of volume of electricity being created. It's important that you know the specific voltage your situation calls for, and then you can then take the model that supplies enough wattage for everything you're going to be running. Honda, coleman, and yamaha are three popular manufacturers.

The standard household current is a single-phase 120 volts. The service entrances to most homes have a 120/240-v service, which means they have two 120v circuits. Combined, they provide 240 volts for all of your power- hungry appliances including central air conditioning, water pumps and electric ranges. Made by Honda, the 2000i and the eu models are popular and are known for their reliability. If you have a large business, it's obvious you are going to have varying power requirements. Often you're going to need to have three-phase power, which is better for running heavy-duty motors. Three days? power in the United States usually produces 120/208 volts or 277/480 volts. Manufacturers such as honda make power generators that are available for all common voltages, but make sure you know the voltage requirements for your business, so you will be able to find the right match.

Wattage is different than voltage, and it's based on your existing circuits and your electrical service. The requirement for wattage increases with each additional appliance or piece of equipment you want to power with your generator. Even your smallest eu or coleman generator produces around 800 watts. Large industrial generators can produce 500 kW or 500,000 watts or even more. For small businesses, you'll find 15 to 100 W are common. There are two types of generators, the standby generator and the portable generator. Standby generators are used to offset the effects felt from power outages and can be permanently installed as an emergency power source for your business. Hardwired into the building?s electrical system, they are designed to be used for only a few short hours at a time. This type of generator is much smaller and less expensive. Most generators have built in the fuel tanks, which allows them to run anywhere and you can plug in ordinary extension cords. The smallest type of generator is under 1 kW with the largest being over 15 kW. The 5kw generator is common for residential use.

There's also a sub-class of tow-able generators that is designed for towing to construction sites. These run on diesel and can produce over 200 kW or more. Generator engines are cooled by water or air, and it?s the air-cooled systems that are the most cost-effective. You will get better temperature control with liquid-cooled generators and they're also quieter, which is especially good if you're considering running these in a residential neighborhood. Please keep in mind that you're going to need an experienced electrician, and pipe fitter to install your unit. This will ensure that you will have many carefree and safe operating hours. If you're in the market for a new generator, visit some user forums and gets some testimonies and make a valuable purchase decision based on a wealth of information available to you right here on the Internet.

Terry Price is a successful publisher and author on the topic of generators at: You can depend on a diesel generator for reliability. Did you get value from this article?

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Private Label Right Articles: Your New Income Generator

In the late months of 2005 and on into 2006 a new trend emerged in Internet Marketing. Authors began offering private label rights to the articles, ebooks and reports they had so carefully written. Since private label rights (PLR) allow the buyer to edit the material and call it their own, new ebooks can now be instantly created from old and websites can post pages of new content in minutes. Online publishing will never be the same. You can benefit from this trend in several ways, but this article will explain one of the most profitable.

First, find an ebook offering private label rights (PLR) in a popular subject area which isn't already over-served. This is an important step since this entire income stream will be based upon it. Consider if the product solves a problem or meets a need for your potential customers; if it doesn't solve a problem or meet a need, then it won't sell. Also, check to see if the product comes with a sales page and graphics; if it does, you'll save time and money promoting the product.

The next step is to find as many PLR articles as possible relating to the ebook's subject. Articles are essential for generating traffic to your sales page, so the more articles you have available to submit to directories, the more traffic you can attract to your product. You can also use these articles to create a free mini ecourse providing your website visitors an incentive to sign up for your mailing list (building your mailing list is always a good idea).

Once you have built a website to promote your ebook (the reason to prefer a product which includes a sales page and graphics), simply post the articles to article directories such as Search engines like Google love these directories and give the articles there better placement than they might achieve on another site. Before long you'll start generating traffic to your sales page, because you'll put a link to it in the author information at the bottom of each article.

Article directories serve website owners by providing free content; as long as they keep your link in tact, web publishers can place your article on their site for free. Each time your article makes it onto another site, that's another link back to your sales page. Google gets interested in your sales page when others are linking to it, so your search engine placement improves. Not only that, but someone might read your article on one of these sites (though many of these sites are like farms harvesting articles and they never get read) and purchase your ebook. Article submission is an example of viral marketing at its best!

One caveat, be sure to carefully review the exact terms of the rights you've obtained with your ebook and articles. There is no universal standard for private label rights, so each author will make different allowances.

There you have a simple outline you can easily follow to create multiple streams of income with little effort or cost.

Want to harness the potential of PLR rights by harnessing the real power of Article Submission? Discover an advanced new software to transform article promotion into the ultimate pain-free advertising solution. Click here to put your article marketing on steroids! Writer Terry Heath offers article and ghostwriting services at

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Choosing The Right Type Of Generator For Your House

Nowadays, can anyone live without electricity? Me neither. If the power goes out for even a short time, it?s pandemonium around our house. No television, no microwave, no dishwasher, no dryer, no stove, no hot water. How will we survive? How will you? If you have a generator, you may never have to find out.

Portable and permanent are the two basic types of generators. The names say it all. Portable generators can be carried with you, and permanent generators are just that ? permanent.

Since portable generators can only generate a small amount of electricity, they will only allow certain small appliances to run. Obviously, you will not be able to use a portable generator to apply power to your entire house in the case of a power outage.

Portable generators usually operate on gas or propane. Fuel tanks are built into the generator. Some portable generators can be plugged into an outlet. These are great for activities that require electricity without having to run three or four extension cords.

There are a couple of disadvantages to using a portable generator. One is that you have to manually start it. The other disadvantage is that you have to be sure to have the fuel on-hand for immediate use of the generator, if the power goes out. Once the main power has returned, you must also manually turn off the portable generator.

Portable generators can range from delivering less than 1 kW to delivering 15 kW. Of course, larger generators are available that can be towed to wherever you need the generator that produce 200kW or more. There are some portable generators that will produce up to 6,000kW!

Permanent (or standby) generators can power your entire house or business in case of a power outage. This type of generator is direct-wired to the building?s electrical system, and it is fueled by the city (or other entity) using gas or propane lines.

The advantage of having a permanent generator is that you don?t have to manually start it, and it can produce up to 20,000 kW of electricity. It automatically comes on when the power goes out and goes off when the power is restored. The disadvantage is that you cannot remove the generator, once it?s installed without a large sum of money, time, and manpower.

Regardless of which type of generator you use, be sure to install it with a transfer switch. This will turn off the home or office?s electrical current connection from the utility company before the generator starts running. By doing so, the generator?s electrical current does not back feed into the utility lines, thereby creating a safer environment for the utility workers.

Different generators with different wattages are offered at different prices. This is to be expected. Before purchasing a generator, whether portable or permanent, be sure to examine your specific needs. You need to purchase a generator that will help you when it?s supposed to.

Check the manufacturer?s warranty and installation/use instructions. Be sure to use your generator safely at all times. Again, be sure to purchase a generator that will sustain you and your family in a time of crisis.

You will find more from this author at:

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

History of the Diesel Generator

The diesel generator owes its roots to mainly two inventors. One of these is the creator of the first generator Michael Faraday and the other is the creator of the diesel engine Rudolph Diesel. The first of these two has contributed greatly to life as we know it today with all his discoveries in electricity.

Michael Faraday was of humble beginning but always had a curious nature. He was at an early age an errand boy for a bookbinding shop and here he vastly increased his knowledge as he read anything he could put his hands on. He was very interested in the concept of energy and force and this interest is one that continued throughout his life and eventually he developed into a famed chemist and physicist.

It was his discovery of electromagnetic induction in the year 1831 that led to the development of the modern generator. He used what he termed his induction ring to discover the electromagnetic induction. This was the generation or induction of electricity in a wire by the use of the electromagnetic effect of the current in another wire. This was the first transformer and followed closely with the discovery of the magneto-electric induction process which is the production of a steady electric current.

He attached two pieces of wire by the use of a sliding contact to a copper disc. He rotated the disc through the poles of a magnet and was able to generate continuous direct current. This was the first generator of time. This group of experiments led to the revolutionized generator that we know today.

The diesel generator however owes its development to the inventor Rudolph Diesel. He started off as a refrigerator engineer and eventually found himself working on many heat engine designs. He in 1892 put out a patent that dealt with the method and design of a engine where combustion would take place in the cylinder. He continued to work to this goal and was successful in the production of a diesel engine that produced an efficiency of 75%.

It is the coupling of his diesel engine with the generator that led to the diesel generator that we known today. His design was rather large and very heavy and found more use in industrial applications as a generator. They were used to power pipelines and for electric plants and water plants. Later on they found applications in the mines and in oil fields. The diesel generator is simply the coupling of the diesel engine with an electrical generator and has been use throughout history since its invention for many applications.

The diesel generator has been seen to be the choice of many of the larger companies as it is well suited for industrial use. A major discouraging factor for its use in terms of the retail market has been the fact that it can be rather noisy but this has been reduced greatly from the first diesel generators and is now almost comparable to the gasoline generators. These generators also offer other perks such as increase fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs which can explain their popularity in industrial applications.

About the Author

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for and

Visit to research your next diesel engine or diesel generator then purchase from one of our wide range. offers experienced and professional advice to assist you in your next diesel decison.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for and

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Diesel Engines and Generators. Innovative Genius

Diesel engines are the combined inventions of two specific inventors, Rudolph Diesel and Herbert Akroyd Stuart. The internal engine is strictly from Diesel and the injection system is derived from Stuart. Stuart is best known for his advances in solid injection. Solid injection is derived from compressing fuel to extremely high pressures by means of pumps. It is then forced under pressure through injectors into the combustion chamber. Diesel's original engine injected fuel by means of compressed air into the cylinder. The fuel was atomized and mixed with air and then injected. This was "air-blast" injection. The early models of diesel engines were extremely large and heavy due to the large compressors needed as part of its' fuel injection system. Naval diesels were so large that they needed separate engines just to compress the air required to power the diesels. During the earlier years, the use of diesel engines with automobiles was not feasible.

Today's diesel is a miracle of innovative genius. No longer is the engine serviced by a mechanical fuel pump but by ECM run fuel pumps, which service the individual injectors at the proper and accurate opening times. The distributor pump direct injection method was improved vastly by the Volkswagen Audi group in 1989. The genie in the bottle or the ECM (the electronic control module) made the injection timing, fuel measurement, exhaust recirculation and turbo boost precise and accurate. They provided the incentive for diesels to be marketed to the mass market. Consequently, Volkswagen began selling their Mark 3 Golf TDI very successfully. European automobile manufacturers build common rail direct injector diesel engines, a means where the distributor injection pump is deleted and a high-pressure reservoir stores the fuel at extremely high pressures. The computer-controlled injectors have a precision system actuated by solenoid or even piezo-electric actuators and are used to inject diesel fuel at the correct time. This high performance diesel engine is used primarily for racecars.

So why should someone buy a diesel? Diesel fuel is denser than gasoline by 15%. The diesel engine must be larger in order to put out the same power as a gasoline engine. The size of the diesel engine has with the assistance of turbo charging, precise timing and feed back allowed it to operate under pressures impossible with gasoline engines. This means a more efficient and powerful engine. Therefore, if you want a faster, more economical and environmentally safer automobile then choose a diesel.

If you are concerned about the diesel knock then a diesel rail injection system with a two-stage injection system can completely rid your vehicle of the dreaded diesel knock. In the department of emissions, diesel engines rate very environmentally friendly since they produce little to no carbon monoxide. The higher PM10 (or particulate matter greater than or equal to 10 microns) emission occurs when diesels are not equipped with diesel particulate filters. The other pollutant gases of sulfur and nitrogen oxides are eliminated by catalytic converter.

The diesel is renowned for the power and torque required for towing heavy loads. It is reliable and easier on engines to start than gasoline engines because there is less wear and tear due to the lower pressures. Last, a diesel offers many types of effective and inexpensive fuels such as the biodiesel fuels found in vegetable oils and used vegetable oils.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for, and

Visit to research your next diesel engine or diesel generator then purchase from one of our wide range. offers experienced and professional advice to assist you in your next diesel decison.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for, and

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Guide to purchasing a Diesel Generator

There are many grades of durability of diesel generators on the market. You will find that the larger the machine the more well built it is to withstand the pressures of use. This is the general concept when it comes to the diesel generator that the larger the generator the better it is designed.

It is essential when considering purchasing a diesel generator that you are sure of what kind of use you will be demanding. It is very common for the diesel generators that are larger to be installed on ships as backups during power failures. There are often systems on ships that use power systems that are related to weather. This is not reliable and as such a diesel generator is a good choice. It is better to opt for the larger models as these are very well designed to handle the load.

Many businesses seeking to protect their sensitive computer networks can also depend on the diesel generator. These are excellent sources of power should the power fail. This is also great for medical equipment such as those that are essential in hospitals and can provide performance that is low maintenance.

When deciding which diesel generator to choose it is important that a list is constructed of the various pieces of equipment that will be using the generator power. This will aid in the determination of the total wattage requirements and therefore determine which capacity of generator will be required.

One of the first points when comparing diesel generators is to determine the wattage requirement and compare this to the price of the particular generator. This is essential as it is important not to overload the system and this will determine the best generator to suit your needs. It is also possible for persons with intermittent generator usage to opt for the diesel generator due to all the perks such as reduced fuel costs and maintenance costs.

It is also advisable that when you purchase your generator that you install it with a transfer switch. This may require a qualified electrician. It is also essential that the generator you choose will have adequate storage as this is important in maintaining the right temperature. You may also need other features such as soundproof enclosures depending on your space limitations as the diesel generator can be quite noisy and is best installed away from homes.

Other features that will be needed for your generator include shutdown systems. There are three major shutdown systems available. These are low oil pressure automatic shutdown kits, over-speed shutdown kits and high temperature shutdown kits. These are all necessary for the protection of any diesel generator that you purchase.

Make sure that the diesel generator you choose is run at a low rpm approximately 1800 rpm to ensure long life. It is better to opt for a generator that is the best in terms of fuel efficiency and if you can opt for a brand name. They may be a bit more expensive but they will tend to have better warranties than the other generic brands on the market.

About the Author

John Stafford is the webmaster for and

Visit to research your next diesel engine or diesel generator then purchase from one of our wide range. offers experienced and professional advice to assist you in your next diesel decison.John Stafford is the webmaster for and

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pros and Cons of a Diesel Generator

Many individuals ask the question of why it is beneficial to install a diesel generator as opposed to a gasoline or propane generator. There are several reasons for opting for a diesel generator but there are some that will argue that the benefits do not outweigh the negatives.

There is very low maintenance costs associated with the use of the diesel generators. This is due to the fact that the diesel generators lack the presence of spark plugs and carburetors. This means no spark plugs to replace as well as no carburetors to rebuild. The major maintenance required on the diesel generator is the oil change and if done regularly will make your diesel generator last very long without any major maintenance being required.

It is also observed with diesel generators that they tend to outlast the gasoline generators when performing the same amount of work. They do the same workload and do not burn as much fuel as the gas generators. The fuel itself is also lower priced when compared to gasoline and propane fuel.

In terms of lifetime the diesel generator is much longer lasting than the gasoline generator. The typical gasoline generator will last approximately 1000 hours if that much. However the diesel generator will last 30,000 hours on average without requiring a major overhauling. The diesel generator is built to withstand pressure and run at half the speed of the gasoline generators that are built mainly for intermittent usage.

Diesel fuel is also much better to store than gasoline. It is flammable but it is not as great a risk as gasoline that can be explosive. The exhaust of the diesel engine is in fact more visible and this is considered one of the major downfalls of diesel as a fuel. However, if the diesel generator is properly maintained there will be no need to be concerned as the exhaust will be minimally visible only when the generator is pressured under load changes that are severe.

Diesel can be very noisy and this is considered to be a great downfall of the diesel system. This is usually one of the reasons homeowners tend to opt for gasoline generators. The gasoline generator is much less noisy than the diesel generator and therefore there is no need for the generator to be placed far away from houses. There are other options available now such as soundproof enclosures that can assist with this issue.

Another consideration is the initial costs involved in setting up the diesel generator. This is usually quite a bit higher than the gasoline generator. It can be seen however that the diesel generator costs when compared over a few years is much less than the gasoline generator.

The choice whether to opt for a diesel or gasoline generator can be assessed in terms of usage. If the generator is to be for intermittent use a gasoline generator may not be a bad purchase but overall it is considered that the diesel generator is more economical. The pros of the diesel generator by far outweigh the cons making it the better buy.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for and

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Safety requirements for a Diesel Generator

There are many requirements to meet when considering the safety of your generator. These do not always involve consideration for personal safety but measures to protect the generator itself. If your generator is a permanent installation it is important that a safety feature such as an automatic shutdown device be installed. This will protect from several malfunctions.

There are basically three monitored factors that can be considered when installing a shutdown device. One of these monitors the engine temperature and if these values are too high the generator is shutdown automatically. There is another that deals with the oil pressure and if there is a drop in oil pressure the generator is shutdown. There are also over-speed shutdown kits that can be used. It is by far the best choice to install all of these shutdown devices as a safety precaution to protect your equipment.
It is also recommended as a safety precaution that regular maintenance is carried out. The most maintenance that is required of a diesel generator is a regular oil change. This can do wonders in increasing the lifetime of your generator. Once properly maintained there will be few issues with your generator up to 30,000 hours or an approximate time period of 3 years.

Regular inspections of the generator should also be carried out at every oil change. Ensure that the generator is kept clean so it is easy to observe any leaks. This is important as a safety requirement as even if you installed the oil pressure shutdown device it is possible for significant damage to be done before it is triggered. The diesel generator in particular is very much dependent on proper oil amounts as it has a high pressure on the components.

It is of importance that the diesel generator be exposed to the proper amounts of fresh air or ventilation for cooling. Although the machines have a water cooling system built in it is vital that they are well ventilated. This ensures that the machines do not overheat. If storing the generator in a shed ensures that there are large enough ventilation openings. If noise is a concern the installation of a blower is a good safety precaution to protect your equipment. High temperatures are what will eventually kill an alternator and it is vital that this is controlled to extend the life of the generator.

In order to extend the life of your diesel generator it is possible to install an hour meter. This will alert you in terms of usage when maintenance is required and avoid improper maintenance practices.

In terms of your safety it is important that you are knowledgeable in electrical aspects and take proper precautions. Do not remove guards put in place for your protection unless you have professional assistance. If the machine is overheating be cautious of handling the equipment as serious burns can occur. Do not allow oil spills onto the floor as this is a fire hazard. Noise is another consideration for your safety. Make sure you install your diesel generator away from earshot range of your home and any neighbors. A sound barrier enclosure may be an idea if space is a limitation.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for, and

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Diesel Generators Explained

A diesel generator is composed of a diesel engine and an alternator or an electrical generator, which converts the power created by the engine (expressed in RPM, revolutions per minute) into the required voltage for homes, industry and remote work sites. The need for power for homes and sites, which are not connected, to a power grid is a growing need throughout the world. Remote areas of Central and South America are no longer too poor to afford electrical power but not at the stage to built vast hydroelectric projects or large power grids.

They can afford to build local village electrical power plants, which can meet the modern needs of the people until the modern power grid can reach out to them. There are places in the United States that are developing ahead of the ability of the local power company to expand; other places throughout the world are at the edge of civilization. All of these require power for business, commerce, medical treatment facilities and communication. The price of the modern diesel generator, the new technology incorporated into these units and their availability throughout the world make them an immediate solution.

Homes and ranches, villages and towns and remote sites should create a power needs list that includes every appliance in the home, business, school and public facility in order to determine the wattage needed. After this the home or ranch owner, city engineer or site foreman can select the proper sized diesel generator. Every diesel generator is rated at how many kilowatts of power it produces. If the home or ranch requires 22 kW to 25 kW then the sized generator should be at least a 30kW. A brigade sized army unit twenty years ago used a diesel generator(s) rated at 90 kW but its' needs were lighting and mess hall refrigeration. Today it could be quite a bit more considering the new technology.

When you decide to provide power through diesel generators then you should consider whether you need a backup. The power of the generator is rated at 50% engine speed. The 30 kW diesel generator actually operates safely at 25 kW at 1800 rpm for prolonged periods of time. It would be safer if the home or ranch had two generators scheduled to operate in an alternating schedule of 12 hours each. This would ensure that the proper maintenance and care could be given the generators while providing continuous power. Other considerations in selecting a power generator involve selecting one that is a four-cycle, water-cooled industrial diesel generator.

A water-cooled generator operates more quietly than an air-cooled and it lasts longer. There are two electrical systems involved with a diesel generator, the DC (direct current) and the AC (alternating current) systems. The recommended DC system should have a starter motor with a battery-charging alternator with a solid-state voltage regulator. It should have an engine pre-heat electric switch and start/stop switch.

It should have an emergency engine shutdown system to protect the engine in case of oil pressure loss, excessive generator speed, over cranking and engine high water temperature. Finally, it should have DC electric system breakers. Make sure that the AC system is a four-pole revolving field and is has an AVR (automatic voltage regulator). These generators will provide power that is within -+2% as compared to utility company variation, which is -+5%.

About the Author

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for, and

Visit to research your next diesel engine or diesel generator then purchase from one of our wide range. offers experienced and professional advice to assist you in your next diesel decison.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for, and

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Preventative Maintenance for Home Generators

Preventive maintenance is one of the most valuable things you can do to protect your investment in a diesel generator. The concept of preventive maintenance is to catch problems, faults and leaks before they happen. It is patterned after the old adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" The specific maintenance program has been in effect for over thirty-four years in the United States Department of Defense. If the age of the equipment was any indication of its effectiveness then the United States Armed forces have been doing fabulously. It is a system that works and keeps your equipment working long beyond its predicted life expiration.

Preventative maintenance is based on before, during and after operation checks. It is also founded on daily, weekly and monthly checks, which are conducted with liturgical frequency and accuracy. This article will cover the general maintenance checks for the diesel generator being used for your home power source.

Before Operation Checks: Step one, walk around your generator unit, specifically looking for any tell tale oil or fuel leaks on, beneath or around it. Record and repair any such Class III leaks immediately. Check the unit for any cracked, broken, loose or damaged parts. Check the oil and add to it as required according to you owners manual. Check the grounding cable and rod that they are tight and secure. Check on the air restriction meter if it is in the red then the air filter needs cleaning. If it still indicates red after cleaning then it needs to be replaced immediately. The generator is deadlined until this part is replaced and the air restriction meter is operating in the green. Check the air filter for any cracks, leaks, looseness, rough running or noise. Drain the day tank of water and sediment into a catch basin by means of the petcock. The tank will blow clear air when free of water and sediment. Drain water and sediment from strainer, primary and secondary filters until the fuel runs clear. Insure that a catch basin collects all oil and sediment. This will be recycled.

During Operation Checks:

Check the following generator controls and instruments to insure that they work within safe and acceptable limits. The battery indicator will be in the yellow when charging, green when fully charged and in the RED position when non-operational or unavailable. Check the frequency meter for the proper reading. It should read 60 hertz with a full load on the generator. Check on the percent rate current meter; it should not exceed 100% load. The voltmeter should read no more than 120v for America or 240v for Europe and Great Britain. The oil gauge should read between 20 to 45 PSI. The fuel gauge should read "FULL". Check the acoustical suppression kit for any loose or damaged parts and repair if required.

After Operations Checks:

Drain the day tank. Drain water and sediment from strainer, primary and secondary fuel filters. Check the acoustical suppression kit for any loose or damaged parts and repair if required. Fuel the tank after operation. Insure that there is no open flame, live wire, source of spark or smoking during refueling operations.

Weekly Operations Checks:

Check the electrolyte level of the batteries. The proper level is 3/8 inch above the lead plates. Monthly Operations Checks:

Drain the fuel tank of water and sediment.

Follow these steps regularly and your generators will operate for a long time without worry.

About the Author

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for and

Visit to research your next diesel engine or diesel generator then purchase from one of our wide range. offers experienced and professional advice to assist you in your next diesel decison.

John Stafford is the webmaster and a contributor for and

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