Friday, January 4, 2008

Determining the portable generator that will deliver enough power

Because different models of portable generators are capable of delivering different amounts of power, it is important to choose one that will deliver enough power, or even slightly more power than you need.

To do this you will need to know what appliances you plan to operate simultaneously from your generator and then determine how many watts they need to operate. This information will be listed on a label somewhere on the appliance in most cases or in the user manual. Keep in mind that the wattage required to start an appliance is often higher than what is required to operate it. To compensate for variance you should utilize a portable generator that can handle an operating load at least 10% higher than you anticipate needing.

By choosing the most effective Yamaha portable generator for your needs, you will reduce your costs, weight and space required while maintaining enough power to meet your needs. You will also extend the life of your generator by not overworking it, and in some cases, the life of the appliances that are running off of it because some types of appliances can be damaged when operated without enough power.

For more information about Yamaha portable generators, visit the Yamaha Generator Store Blog.

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